Sunday, April 22, 2007

White Stripes Coke Commercial

sa fie vorba de viralizare in masa?nu va ganditi la Zero.Appearances are always deceptive:)


Word Of Mouth



ZERO compromisuri

Lansare oficiala Coca-Cola Zero.IAA: “Targetul noului produs îl reprezintă, în principal, bărbaţii cu vârste între 20 şi 39 de ani care vor să savureze gustul de Coca-Cola, dar cu zero zahăr“.

Reprezentantii companiei spun: “Produsul răspunde unei nevoi reale şi este adresat tuturor celor care îşi doresc să trăiască viaţa cu zero compromisuri“.

"Trairea vietii cu zero compromisuri” patetic si inadecvat superbei si fascinantei Romanii, tara celor 42 de compromisuri.Si oare nu ne amintim cumva de fascinanta "Energy X"..?combinata cumva cu P**si Max?..pacat ca acolo nu se punea problema compromisului..doar a trairii experientei la maxxxim.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

“Our hotel holds a Guinness World Record.”

You can’t miss the Tian Zi (Children of the Cosmos) hotel. Located in east Beijing, where emperors of old would stay when they were touring their domains, the giant building is supposed to represent the three Chinese gods of happiness, wealth and long life. To enter into the bellies of the gods, go through the glass doors in the left foot of the God of Long Life or through the right foot of the God of Wealth. The fruit in the God of Long Life’s hand contains the Long Life Peach Suite, which is popular with Beijing residents as a venue for birthday parties.
The building’s particular aesthetic has the architecture world divided. “At least it’s an original idea,” said one participant in an online architectural forum. “And it attracts customers.” Another was less forgiving. “You see this hotel,” he wrote, “and at first you are shocked. Then you laugh. Then you want to cry.”


Every Show...PR drama

I had some unrealistic dreams when I was a child. I wanted to be a superstar. Later I realized that celebrities are products for the masses to lust after, because sex drives everyone and only fools or crazies believe in love.
When I was young, I expected to become a boy. Now it’s clear to me: It’s not at all important to be a man or a woman.Everyone has to sell something in order to gain an easier life. Some sell their bodies, some sell their art.
What a shame it would be to have nothing to sell. I don’t care how others criticize me. We live in a world where each person takes what he needs.
I am not paid to do my show here. I pay the pianist to accompany me. I don’t sing for my bread and butter. What I need is for everyone to play this game with me. The audience is only a stage prop. Life is so boring, we need to rescue ourselves.
I will never join a masquerade or a carnival. I have the magic to turn you into a frog or any other kind of insect. I can insult everything in an instant. I don’t feel upset at the end of each show. It’s fine for me to go back to reality for a week, until the next performance.
Please make my story more fantastic. Please feel free to tell lies.
No one really loves truth, and the fairy tales are truth.


Monday, April 16, 2007



Did you know that ¼ of Americans have appeared on TV?

Did you know 61% of all hits on the Internet are on sex-sites?

Every day 21 new born babies will be given to the wrong parents

The average person swallows 8 spiders in a year

Cannabis is the most widely abused drug in the world

The average person laughs 13 times a day

Elvis was originally blond

The average age of first intercourse is 15.3 years old

The average erect penis is 5.2 inches long
And 4.2 inches circumcised

Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing

41% of all people take people with curly hair less seriously

20% of all females have had at least 1 homosexual experience

22% of the time a pizza will arrive faster than an ambulance in Great-Britain

96% of all women have at one time in their life faked an orgasm

3 people die every year, testing if a 9 volts battery works on their tongue

“The Guinness Book of Records” holds the record for being the most stolen book in public libraries
Butterflies taste with their feet

5% of the population is gay

The world’s best known word is “okay”

The second most well-known word is “Coca-Cola”

The giraffe can clean its ears with its tongue

Charles Chaplin once won 3rd price in a Charles Chaplin look-a-like contest

In 1995 a Japanese trawler sank, because a Russian cargo plane dropped a living cow from 30,000 feet

Only 1 book has been printed in more copies than The Bible – the IKEA catalogue

1 cigarette takes away 5 minutes of a person’s life

1950 we were 3 billion people on the earth, today we are 6 billion people
(Time is ticking, ticking, yeah)

Donald Duck was banned in Finland, because he doesn’t wear pants

74% of all nudist females are nudists, because their husbands are nudists

More people die from a champagne-cork popping, than from poison spiders

21% of all traffic accidents happen, because the driver falls asleep

Did you know the originally a Danish guy invented the burglar-alarm – unfortunately, it got stolen...

:) so just check out this link:


Saturday, April 07, 2007 Presents: The Easter Bunny Hates You

"Bunnies at Easter: A Sad Story"-si daca mai pot spune: Happy Easter! :)-

Contrary to Eastertime hype, rabbits and small children aren't a good match. The exuberance of even the gentlest toddler is stressful for the sensitive rabbit.

Children like a companion they can hold, and cuddle. That's why stuffed animals are so popular. Rabbits are not passive and cuddly. They are ground-loving creatures who feel frightened and insecure when held and restrained. The result: the child loses interest, and the rabbit ends up neglected or abandoned.

Easter bunnies soon grow large and reach adolecence. If left unneutered they will chew, spray or dig. Many end up neglected or abandoned. The result? Humane organizations such as House Rabbit Society see a huge increase in the number of abandoned rabbits after Easter. Help us stop this yearly cycle by educating yourself and others!
Know the Facts.
  • Rabbits are not "low-maintenance" pets, and are a poor choice as a pet for children.
  • They have a lifespan of 10 years and require as much work as a dog or cat.
  • Your home must be bunny-proofed, or Thumper will chew cords and furniture.
  • Rabbits must be neutered or they will mark your house with feces and urine.
  • They should live indoors, as members of the family.
Clearly, rabbits aren't for everyone. Are you a gentle adult living in a quiet household? If you think you're someone who would enjoy sharing life with a rabbit, please visit your local rabbit-rescue group.

Help Us Spread the Word!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Gone but not forgotten

PS3 Song